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Ambiophonics 3D Stereo - art of retriving hidden 3D info from stereo.


L to R, Angelo Farina introduces invited panelists Dave Malham, Robin Miller (representing Ambiophonics) and Markus Noisternig at AES2007 Italia, Parma 11/23~25. Mr. Miller's 14-speaker demonstrations of RACE, Choueiri BACCHv1, and full-sphere 3D using RACE were enthusiastically received by more than 40 attendees. Photo: A.Capra


The "Ambiophonic Team": Anders Torger, Ralph Glasgal, Robin Miller, & Angelo Farina presenting papers and demonstrating at the AES 19th Conference, Schloss Elmau, Germany, June 2001.


Dr Ralph Glasgal, Auroral Physicist, at Wilkes Station, Antartica in 1957. Photograph taken by U. S. Navy, NFS

What is Ambiophonics?

Loudspeakers binaural reproduction of 2 channels from any format. It addresses the method to reproduce the stereo layer without the inherent interaural error. The method will produce a lifelike sound with image floating in space. You will hear a wider space and more clarity from the existing stereo media.


Ralph Glasgal founded the Ambiphonics Institute in 1990. The R.A.C.E. algorithm was created by Ralph, a specialist in digital communication, to replace the physical barrier method. There were other solutions like Carver's Holographic but they were all in analogue domain and with limitation.

Today, you can find the digital solution in many forms such as BACCH, Aria3D,, Soundpimp and etc. 

The complete guide was available for ambiophonics website until early 2023 before it was taken down after Ralph closed down the institute. Ralph will be 92 this year and no longer active in the various social media platforms where he was previously active.


Ralph Glasgal – creator through the Ambiophonics Institute of the name Ambiophonics, and prime mover of its development, progressing from a physical barrier through DSP for crosstalk cancellation and ambience convolution.

Robert E. (Robin) Miller III – engineer/pres. of Filmaker Technology who implemented RACE DSP, the Panambiophone, and other Ambiophonics innovations and related demonstration 2D and 3D recordings, scientific papers, and website content.

Angelo Farina – Ambiophonics researcher at the University of Parma, Italy, who used measured inverse impulse responses of speaker pairs using a dummy head to convolve XTC, and of world-renown halls for ambience convolution.

Enrico Armelloni – student of Farina at the University of Parma, Italy, whose doctoral thesis was developed while an intern at Filmaker Technology.

Edgar Choueiri – Princeton space physicist and XTC developer who used sophisticated band-splitting to minimize any coloration when realizing very high levels of crosstalk cancellation even up to 20dB. It is now called BACCH.

David Wareing – early XTC developer who modeled crosstalk cancellation as a single correction impulse based on the speed of sound and the geometry of the average head.

Anders Torger – Swedish developer of “AlmusVCU” Ambiovolver software (XTC, ambience convolution, bass management, speaker position timing) running on Linux PCs.

“The shoulders of giants” applies, upon which stand those above who have advanced the art termed Ambiophonics. While this list would eclipse this writing, it would include the work of the ISVR, Günther Theile, and the authors of commercial implementations by Carver and Yamaha, etc.

Techincal Papers
(Please contact if the links no longer work)

Ambidio -- Sound Stage Width Extension for Internal Laptop Loudspeakers
by Tsai-Yi Wu, Agnieska Roginska, and Ralph Glasgal, presented to the AES 136th Convention, Berlin, Germany April 2014

For full thesis text click here

Ambiophonics -- The Synthesis of Concert-Hall Sound Fields in the Home
by Ralph Glasgal, presented to the AES 99th International Convention, New York City, October, 1995.

360° Localization via 4.x RACE Processing
by Ralph Glasgal, presented to the AES 123rd International Convention, New York City, October, 2007.

Comparison of Crosstalk Cancellation Filters
by Angelo Farina, May, 2010 (preamble and postamble by Ralph Glasgal).

Surround Ambiophonic Recording and Reproduction
by Ralph Glasgal, presented to the AES 24th International Conference on Multichannel Audio, Banff, Canada (June 26-28 2003).

Ambiophonics:  Achieving Physiological Realism in Music Recording and Reproduction
by Ralph Glasgal, Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper Presented at the 111th Convention, , New York, NY (Sept 21-24 2001).

Real Time Partitioned Convolution for Ambiophonics Surround Sound
by Anders Torger and Angelo Farina, 2001 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics(10/6/01).

Ambiophonic Principles for the Recording and Reproduction of Surround Sound for Music
by Angelo Farina , Ralph Glasgal, Enrico Armelloni, Anders Torger (7/22/01).

Improving 5.1 and Stereophonic Mastering/Monitoring by Using Ambiophonic Techniques
by Ralph Glasgal, Ambiophonic Institute, presented at the International Tonmeister Symposium, Schloss Hohenkammer (Oct. 31, 2005)

The Domestic Concert Hall

This what makes the true "You are there" experience with your hifi system.  It requires additional speakers ( small ones will do) to generate the ambiance utlizing real hall impulse response. This is what envelopment is all about which Ralph mentioned in his Envelophonics paper.

The process requires DAW and multi channel DAC. As far as I know, no one outside the institute managed to setup the DCH at their home. I am the lucky one who managed to do it with Ralph's help.

The Ambio Book.

Ambiophonics, 2nd Edition
Replacing Stereophonics to Achieve Concert-Hall Realism
For a PDF version of this book click here

By Ralph Glasgal, Founder Ambiophonics Institute, Rockleigh, New Jersey


To Johann Sebastian Bach, Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, and Lauritz Melchior, without whom we would never have bothered and to Manfred Schroeder, Don Keele Jr., Bob Carver, Yoichi Ando, and Ole Kirkeby without whose collective research we would never have succeeded.



Ambiophonics: Recreating the Concert Hall Experience at Home

There are essentially only two ways for music lovers to enjoy music performed for them on traditional acoustic instruments. One is by going to a concert hall or other auditorium, and the second is by being elsewhere and playing the radio/TV/internet or a recording. This book and the techniques it describes are dedicated to helping you make the remote music-listening experience as audibly exciting as the live experience. Those audiophiles who share the dream of recreating a concert-hall sound field in their home, and who constantly strive to create a sense of "you-are-there," we have christened "ambiophiles". We call the science and technology used to create such an acoustic illusion "Ambiophonics".

Listeners' Impression

 "I’ve also heard numerous high-end multichannel systems, all of which couldn’t hold a candle to what we heard." - Howard Kneller, Soundstage Global.

"I downloaded the Hotto Ambiophonic Transcoder to use in reaper and wow what a difference! For the first time in my life I am hearing music the way it was intended by the engineer and the musicians. I tracked a band over the weekend and right away I can hear what's wrong in the mix. Everything is so apparent and in your face. I am no longer being lied to by the speakers and the room I am in. I can hear when reverbs and delays clash with each other so much easier now. Honestly, I can't ever go back to listening to stereo ever again. It's such a waste of time. How can something so awesome be so unheard of? Everyone should be able to hear music this way."

-- Paul Herlihy, recording engineer

I spent the last day or so in the UK playing with the XTC (RACE crosstalk Cancellation) setup and was staggered by the improvement this can achieve in image precision, depth placement, stage width increase, and removal of crosstalk smearing.  The improvements were both dramatic and particularly surprising given the fact that my arrangement of the LS1s is nothing like the optimum Ambiodipole configuration (probably around 50 degrees rather than the preferred 20 degrees or so).  I can’t wait to try the XTC processing out in combination with the DRC!"

-- Andrew (TacT RCS user)

In the first few minutes after Chelvam had pressed a few buttons on his laptop, what I heard and the images it projected were astounding and unforgettable. I could hear the bird chirping behind me and the water flowing in front of me. I said to him, “I got it! I got it!”. Being shocked by what I had just heard, I asked him to stop as I wanted him to confirm that only the two speakers were active and no other speakers were active. Being not convinced, I suggested that he played some familiar songs and we settled on one of Norah Jones’. He was very confident and selected one and played. In the first few minutes, I could hear her soft voice in front and to be exact, in front and below my ear level. Suddenly, I heard the guitar was on my left (9 o’clock), not in front on the left (about 10 or 11 o’clock) which I would normally hear.

This was my first encounter with his 3D audio system. Truly I was fascinated by his system and the unexpected and shocking experience, thanks to cross-talk cancellation done at the application level in his laptop before the audio signals reaching the DAC. - Chua Ngak Keng

Kind words of  Sharil who is also a reviewer of audio equipment.  Unfortunately, it did not get into one of his audio sites.   Here is one mini review of system by one of the the few reviewers in my country. You may also find others comments in the forum.


Quoting verbatim  "After a a few months of chit chat over Whatsapp, I finally found time to visit STC's den to experience first hand what ambiophonics sounds like. Spent about 3 hours or so experiencing various musical genre and also a few 'settings'.Ir was 3 dimensional experience where music just envelopes around you in a very reliastic manner. Layer bu layer was of the music was exposed in such detail. The drum rolls on track like Black Magic Woman was presented in a manner that I could actually imagine how the drum set was configured. The soundstage was full but at the same time, the vocal was set smack in the middle and did not loose any prowesness. Bass however, was little shy to my preference. It was extended and not thud thumping bass. But I can do with a little bit more of a dive in the lower frequency.I can see why (but I dont understand why) audiophiles can reject this ambiophonics idea but experience it and let your emotion or hearing decide it. I certainly enjoyed it and if I ever have my own hifi room back, I may look into ambiophonics.

Video and Audio

I use DPA 4560 binaural mics to capture the sound of my system playabck. It gives you a general idea of the difference.  The recordings are meant for me to do sound evaluation of my system. 

Listen to hear the difference and please don't tell me about Youtube compression or you are listening through the phone speakers. Difference should be audible even with the cheapest device unless it is too subtle. Ambiophonics or the Domestic Concert Hall is not subtle and could easily pass double blind tests.

This is my progress last 2 years. The video in reference too was recorded with binaural mics and listeners can hear the difference between stereo and Ambiophonics.

In this video you can hear the sound with all the 26 ambiance generating speakers and without.Please use headphones.

You can find the entire website screenshots  in the link.

About Me

Good sound through science

This website was recreated from Ralph's original website. Other materials are my journey to implement the concept.

©2021 by ST Chelvam & Yoshanaa . Proudly created with


Please contact for an excel sheet calculator (as shown below) where you can use to find the delay and attenuation values for the Ambiophonics RACE plugin. The values are just a suggestion and should be varied according to your system for fine tuning. It is strongly suggested that you samples from Linn, 2L Linberg or Chesky during the initial setup so that you can familiarize with the delay and attenuating. 

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